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Boost your online presence and increase sales with our tailored marketing services. From Google advertising and social media to SEO optimization, we have the expertise to take your e-commerce to new heights. Explore how Talex can strengthen your brand and maximize your digital visibility.

Take advantage of our unique advantage as your e-commerce provider - our technical understanding of your online store. Responsible for all code in your webshop, we customize marketing strategies that optimize your visibility and boost sales.

Google Advertising (Google Shopping, Google Search Ads)

Maximize your visibility on Google and let your e-commerce reach new heights through strategic advertising. Our dedicated expertise in Google advertising provides you with the opportunity to tailor campaigns that not only enhance your visibility but also attract qualified traffic to your online store.

Google advertising is a crucial component to reach potential customers actively searching for your specific products or services.

Google Shopping ads are visual advertisements that directly showcase products in Google search results. These include product images, prices, and company names, providing users with a quick overview of available products. Ads are matched with user searches and are powerful in increasing brand visibility and driving traffic to e-commerce websites.

Google search ads are advertisements displayed at the top of Google search results when users conduct searches. These ads offer businesses the opportunity to market their products or services with enticing ad texts and be visible directly when users search for relevant terms.

Social media (Sponsored)

Take advantage of the power of social media. We help you create engaging campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Build strong brand relationships and reach your target audience effectively.

Optimize your presence on social media and harness their power. We are here to guide you through the creation of engaging campaigns on popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Through strategic content and targeted marketing, we help you build strong and enduring brand relationships. By reaching your audience effectively on social media, you can create a deeper connection with your customers and increase awareness of your brand. Let's work together to maximize the potential and results of your presence on social media


Enhance your website's visibility in search engines with our SEO expertise. We employ proven methods to optimize your online store and rank higher in search results, increasing the chances of organic traffic and sales.

By fine-tuning both technical and content-related aspects, we not only increase the chances of organic traffic but also the opportunities for increased sales. With our dedicated focus on SEO work, we strive to ensure that your website not only appears but also comes across as relevant and appealing to search engine algorithms. Let's work together to enhance the impact and success of your website online.

Our SEO Packages

Google Ads

Regular price: Fr.6200 SEK/month

Price for existing customers at Talex: Fr.3100 SEK/month

Google Shopping
Google Search Ads
Assistance and guidance regarding advertising questions.

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Social media

Regular price: Fr.6200 SEK/month

Price for existing customers at Talex: Fr.3100 SEK/month

3 tailored advertisements per month.
Targeted marketing.
Assistance and guidance regarding advertising questions.

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SEO Analysis

7500 SEK

Technical SEO audit.
Keyword analysis and recommendations.
Content analysis and improvement suggestions.
Competitor analysis and best practices.

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SEO Optimization


Review and consultation of code and texts in the store.
Enhancement of code created by yourselves.
Sitemap registration.
Optimization of store speed.

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 SEO Analysis 

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 Social media (sponsored) 

3100kr / month*
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 Google Ads 

3100kr / month**
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  Fr. 0kr
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 Google Shopping (API/Feed) 

  Fr. 0kr / year
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 Tradera - Basic 

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*   excluding advertising budget
**   excluding advertising budget

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